{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - 012 - Painting and Cooking at the Same Time 012 - Painting and Cooking at the Same Time Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 20x15cm (37x32cm framed) Woman's work is never done. MSRP: Was: Now: £900 Enquire to buy
{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - 011 - Mrs Sugarman's Kitchen Gateshead 011 - Mrs Sugarman's Kitchen Gateshead Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 76x101cm Showing Mrs Sugarman's Shabbat Kettle in her crowded kitchen. MSRP: Was: Now: £5,000 Enquire to buy
{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - 010 - Aunt Mary's Oven 1935, Violet Background 010 - Aunt Mary's Oven 1935, Violet Background Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 30x21cm (42x33cm framed) I love my antique oven. MSRP: Was: Now: £1,400 Enquire to buy
{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - 009 - A Tiny Aunt Marie's Oven which is in my House on a Kibbutz 009 - A Tiny Aunt Marie's Oven which is in my House on a Kibbutz Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 18x13cm (26x21cm framed) I can't stop painting this antique oven which is in my house in Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi. MSRP: Was: Now: £850 Enquire to buy
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - Urban Life on Hampstead Heath in Winter Urban Life on Hampstead Heath in Winter Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 52 x 62 cm NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £1,900 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - The Mansion at the Elms in Highgate The Mansion at the Elms in Highgate Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 11 x 40 cm (24 x 54 cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £900 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - The Elms Highgate The Elms Highgate Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 16 x 108 cm (22 x 114 cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £1,400 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - On Route to Aquaba On Route to Aquaba Naomi Alexander ROI Oil, 20 x 87 cm (27 x 94 cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £2,600 Buy Now