Nicki Heenan RI

  • 227 - On the Verge

    Nicki Heenan RI
    Watercolour, ink and pigment on Yupo paper, 28x36cm (38x45cm framed)

    At times it feels like life is clinging to the edge. Observation of rockpools represents a microcosm of existence. Using materials as functions of themselves playing viscosity against granularity.

  • 226 - Erised - Desire

    Nicki Heenan RI
    Watercolour, ink and pigment on Yupo paper, 28x36cm (38x46cm framed)

    The Rockpool mirrors life and its desires. We see what we want to see. By contrasting transparency and opacity using pigments and inks, the qualities of water mixable materials manipulated through...

  • 225 - Devoid

    Nicki Heenan RI
    Watercolour, ink and pigment on Yupo paper, 28x36cm (37x46cm framed)

    Pollution and changes in ph are affecting our tidal rock pools. Once thriving ecosystems are nearly devoid of life. As an artist, I am documenting places over many years and observing how the...

  • 201 - Pedernal

    Nicki Heenan RI
    Acrylic and pigment on paper, 27x20cm (30x27cm framed)

    Painted at Ghost Ranch while on a residency. I worked with paint made from local soil colours and acrylic over a map of New Mexico. Geography plays a big part in the division of boundaries and I...

  • 199 - Land Charter

    Nicki Heenan RI
    Acrylic, pigment and collage on paper, 27x20cm (30x27cm framed)

    Painted at Ghost Ranch while on a residency. I worked with paint made from local soil colours and acrylic over a map of New Mexico. Geography plays a big part in the division of boundaries and I want...

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