{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 361 - Blue Sky 361 - Blue Sky Christine Watson PS Pastel on paper, 59x42cm (75x57cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 362 - Blue Steps 362 - Blue Steps Christine Watson PS Pastel on paper, 59x42cm (75x57cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 363 - Dark and Light Blue Steps 363 - Dark and Light Blue Steps Christine Watson PS Pastel on paper, 59x42cm (75x57cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 364 - Syros Cat 364 - Syros Cat Christine Watson PS Pastel on paper, 59x42cm (75x57cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 365 - Round Midnight, Greenwich Village 365 - Round Midnight, Greenwich Village Dave Watts Pastel, 38x26cm (52x40cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £525 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 366 - A Festive Flutter 366 - A Festive Flutter Wei Wei Pastel on paper, 32x40cm (36x44cm framed) It portrays hummingbirds in joyous flight, their vibrant wings creating a lively dance against a backdrop of flowers, as if celebrating a festival. The colourful flurry of movement evokes a sense of celebration, capturing the essence of nature's beau… MSRP: Was: Now: £795 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 367 - Tonkin 367 - Tonkin Ray West Pastel pencil and pastel, 70x70cm (91x91cm framed) This painting was completed using pastels and pastel pencils, drawn using Ray's own reference photo taken at the Goodwood Revival in 2023. It captures the interior and reflections from the window of an amazing American hot rod. Ray wanted to challe… MSRP: Was: Now: £5,500 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 368 - Woodland Path 368 - Woodland Path Zoritza Williams Pastel, 19x26cm (33x40cm framed) Woodland summer light and shadows MSRP: Was: Now: £450 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 369 - Mersey River Late Afternoon 369 - Mersey River Late Afternoon June Wilson Pastel, 46x34cm (73x34cm framed) Reflections, backlit trees, the eternal presence of light and as they are always moving... a challenge to capture. MSRP: Was: Now: £1,100 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 370 - So Good to be Alive 370 - So Good to be Alive Suzanne Winn Pastel and charcoal on paper, 23x17cm (36x30cm framed) A celebration of connection with nature's energy. Created out in the fields on a beautiful September afternoon. The landscape and sky were full of energy and vitality and it felt so good to be out there plugging into nature's abundant lifeforce. MSRP: Was: Now: £400 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 371 - Saturday Afternoon 371 - Saturday Afternoon Manny Woodard Charcoal on paper, 82x60cm (88x75cm framed) I wanted a quiet drawing. This is Castor, a professional model. MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 372 - Saturday Morning 372 - Saturday Morning Manny Woodard Charcoal on paper, 80x60cm (88x75cm framed) This gentleman was a pleasure to draw. He is an ex-wrestler and I wished to convey his solidness and strength and vulnerability. MSRP: Was: Now: £750 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 373 - Converse All Star Hi-Tops 373 - Converse All Star Hi-Tops Roy Wright PS Charcoal, 100x66cm (112x77cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £3,850 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 374 - In the Middle of the Woods 374 - In the Middle of the Woods Roy Wright PS Charcoal, 42x30cm (56x43cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £800 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 375 - Late Summer Oak 375 - Late Summer Oak Roy Wright PS Charcoal, 42x57cm (54x69cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £1,450 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 376 - Snow Covers the Birch Forest 376 - Snow Covers the Birch Forest Roy Wright PS Charcoal, 68x100cm (85x115cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £4,200 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 377 - Japan Life in Meguro 377 - Japan Life in Meguro Pei-Jung Wu Ink, oil pastel and coloured pencil on paper, 46x61cm While living and working in Tokyo, I was captivated by the everyday fashion kaleidoscope presented by the city's passersby. MSRP: Was: Now: £600 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 380 - Artist 380 - Artist Tom Zaw Pencil, 30x42cm (41x55cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £1,604 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 381 - Sicilian Street 381 - Sicilian Street Tom Zaw Pencil, 42x60cm (58x78cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £2,552 Buy Now
{ "productStatus":"Buy Now" } Add to Wishlist - 382 - Tables 382 - Tables Tom Zaw Pencil, 42x30cm (54x40cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £1,666 Buy Now
{ } Add to Wishlist - Event | PS Art Event Evening 2025 Event | PS Art Event Evening 2025 MSRP: Was: Now: £12 Buy Now