{ "productStatus":"Sold Out" } Add to Wishlist - 358 - Rigging the Sails of the Galeón Andalucía 358 - Rigging the Sails of the Galeón Andalucía Urszula Skolmowska-Gudel Oil, 25x20cm (37x32cm framed) The scene presents seamen who are taking care of the sails and rigging of the magnificent Galeón Andalucía while docked in Blyth. Oil on Canvas board. MSRP: Was: Now: £640 SOLD
{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - Morning Catch Morning Catch Urszula Skolmowska-Gudel Oil, 29 x 21 cm (37 x 29 cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £650 Enquire to buy
{ "productStatus":"Enquire to Buy" } Add to Wishlist - By the Cliff Side By the Cliff Side Urszula Skolmowska-Gudel Oil, 40 x 40 cm (48 x 48 cm framed) NULL MSRP: Was: Now: £680 Enquire to buy